
Grace E. Dent M.A., R.C.C.

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How Cobblestone Counselling Helps?


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Do you have support:

Do you know the benefits of finding a professional therapist to consult with?

Many well-intentioned friends, family, and colleagues hear about your problem and attempt to support you by intervening on your behalf. At Cobblestone, we only intervene in the environment on your behalf when you decide the short-term gains are worth the long-term loss in learning. The usual role we take is to help you reduce your distress and learn skills that can be generalized to other life situations. Results do show that you end up becoming more skillful in managing your personal and professional relationships over the long term.

At Cobblestone, we use our consulting role to listen to your concerns and work with you on balancing acceptance and change strategies toward your life events. We teach skills in a radically genuine manner to activate your motivation and to obtain from others what you request. There may be other times you want to be assisted in tolerating the dissatisfaction in the short-term while you are trying to change the situation or your emotional reaction to it in the long term. A confidential consultant aims to increase your capacity and motivation to act as your own agent in obtaining life choices. Finally, we teach clients how to determine which of the four universal solutions they may use to solve their problems. Yes, ask today for our assistance and we would be happy to help you successfully deal with the difficult life events that are occurring to you.