
Grace E. Dent M.A., R.C.C.

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How Cobblestone Counselling Helps?


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Counselling and coaching services at Cobblestone provides supportive listening and active problem-solving. The therapist provides insights and teaches skills from a foundation of Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT-Informed).

Much of the therapy techniques are rooted in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) with a blending of skills and Buddhist philosophy of treating yourself and others with loving kindness. DBT not only incorporates the skills of CBT, but expands further into a more gentle approach in dealing with life struggles. Worksheets and handouts are provided to help generalize the learning to everyday life. In fact, many describe DBT to be "CBT on steroids" because of the formulaic learning of the skills that help you remember the process. DBT is known to be a very successful therapy for improving life situations no matter how difficult. 

At Cobblestone, we are well anchored in the principles and theory that guide DBT but are describing our services as "DBT-informed" to balance our client needs. "Informed" for us means we no longer provide easy access to our crisis telephone consultations and may refer you out to a DBT skills groups if needed while you are attending our psychological services. We are available for telephone counselling and video counselling by appointment only.  An outline of our services are explained in our intake and consent form which requires filling out and signing before the initial session, including our confidentiality and informed consent agreement and our specialized training.  At Cobblestone Counselling & Coaching Inc., we accept the dialectical tension of acceptance and change and search for the synthesis and this is what our clients will learn to do too. Come problem solve effectively with a trained DBT therapist today and improve your life situation and relationships.

Cobblestone Counselling & Coaching Inc. is a private psychology practice specializing in combining dialectical thinking, behavioral shaping, and Zen principles to help clients feel better and reach their goals.

The Zen principles help our clients show compassion even when they make a separate decision from others. In Buddhism, it is taught to have tea with the differences that come to visit, to pay attention to our inner experiences and not react out of fear. It takes practice and at Cobblestone, we want to help you practice making your decisions with compassion and release the resistance that takes up energy and adds stress to your life.

The "Dalai Lama's" emphasis on showing compassion:

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.  If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- Dalai Lama

Services that Cobblestone offers include: